
Showing posts from March, 2015


It's been some time since I've visited or posted to the blog but in looking back on my last entry, I could have left the impression that I didn't survive the outing to scout for polar bears.  Unfortunately there were none who wanted to be seen on the Saturday Jan, Mari, Rita and I ventured out in the small car Jan had borrowed. It was a wonderful afternoon though with the sun beaming from low on the horizon, promising longer days and the ability to see again the stunning Arctic beauty after a long, comfortingly dark winter. My father passed in early January.  I'd been fortunate enough to see him and Mom several times over the past year and know that he's in a brighter place now.  Our family and his many friends will miss him in ways that are difficult to describe but I think feel his presence to some degree at different times.  The sound of his laugh is easy to recall and I smile remembering listening to his thought processes as he explained something to me, alway...